Saturday, December 12, 2009


To our faithful readers:

Have no fear. Jamandahalf is not in the least bit done, we're simply resting our brains, formulating our thoughts, and experiencing what is known as "finals weeks." Yea, "weeks," because unlike in the past, finals (and final projects, and final papers, and final ____) now seem to have creeped from one week to at first a week and a half, to now completely dominating the last two weeks of school. Once we emerge victorious, we will have jams for days for you guys, guarantee. Big news around here, I bought a ukulele and am starting to figure it out, so who knows, maybe one day the jamandahalf will be me strumming away hahahaha...So to hold you guys through, I thought you would like this video of a kid who has far more talent and cuteness than I will ever have. Keep checking back, new jams to come...

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