Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shout Out Louds - Candle Burned Out

Every time I find a band or song I like I go to Pitchfork Media to see if my novice opinion on the artist's quality is up to the pretentious level of excellence Pitchfork recites daily. If Faulkner referenced electronica it would sound exactly like a review on the acclaimed music blog. The New Yorker of cutting edge tunes. Of course, I reference Pitchfork to find good music. It is somewhat of a dictionary. Although I am often annoyed while sifting through the density of literature that is written by writers with egos for the musically conscious individual. If my little sister tried to punch through the meaning of rich Pitchfork lines she'd be caught in the crossfire of far reaching analogies and over defined genres. I don't know. Maybe I just loathe the disappointment of finding a song I like, only to be told differently by the professional perspective of some Brooklyn Hipster. Or maybe I would rather read clever Groupon write ups that actually impress me. Pitchfork writers, please start sounding like human beings.

In tribute to all the songs I have loved in which Pitchfork has shat on, I give you Candle Burned Out by the Shout Out Louds. I don't know why this song affects me so much. I don't even think it is the best on the album. But when I was writing a letter to my professor who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer I kept it on repeat (surely a Pitchfork faux paux). Not for the lyrics; "candle burned out" might be a tad macabre for an uplifting letter to a cancer patient. Maybe it is the soft voice of Adam Olenius that makes me feel comfortable, or inspired, or deeper than usual. Whatever it is I poured my heart out to the steady strumming of Carl von Arbin. It's music that makes you feel something. Not a science broken into synths and meticulous fragments of cynical metaphors.

I am going to be writing for JamandaHalf more consistently in the future. I hope you'll enjoy my less critical evaluation of songs. I like to use the words good, great, awesome, cool, sweet - generic terms. Read what you want, but base your opinions on the way music affects you.

Shout Out Louds - Candle Burned Out by Cardboard Smile

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